LATE TIRED HAPPY by stephanie liner


It's late. I am covered in sweat and saw dust, I am tired and alone and oh, so happy. I worked all day and evening. My arm hurt but it finally, didn't stop me and for the first time in 10 years of working in studio my knees didn't hurt. Even, if I don't succeed I know now how much I have missed this. I felt broken.

CNC parts are back and ready to assemble! by stephanie liner


Glue, Sand, Sand, and Sand some more.........After almost three years away due to injuries to my legs and hands, I remember why I love this, the reasons are many and they are all coming back.  Happy.



Stretch and workout break!  Keeping my nerves moving smoothly.  Apart from one physical therapist, they all said I would never be able to do repetitive motion work with my fingers and hands again.  So far, I have proven them wrong.&nb…

Stretch and workout break!  Keeping my nerves moving smoothly.  Apart from one physical therapist, they all said I would never be able to do repetitive motion work with my fingers and hands again.  So far, I have proven them wrong. 

So Happy to Finally! Be Back Working by stephanie liner

Today, marks my time back creating art.  Two years, 4 knee Surgeries total, two of which were experimental stem cell transplants from my own body, trapped nerves in my arms and neck, tendonitis in both elbows and one shoulder and finally, I am pain free and back.  I am working toward a show at The Southwest School Of Art - San Antonio, Texas.  I will be part of a two person show including my older work and two new pieces.  Imagery to come...